Career Portfolios

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What is a portfolio?

Your WCHS career portfolio is a collection of documents, artifacts or materials which are representative of your academic, leisure and career development. It's a representation of your abilities, skills, capabilities, knowledge, qualities - and it represents your potential.

Physically, it's a collection of things - artifacts - tangible materials - that represent events in your life. The portfolio provides "evidence" of your potential by demonstrating what you accomplished in the past. It serves to document the process of all learning that has occurred in your high school career.

One of the purposes of a career portfolio is to organize your own thinking about your career development. It can also assist in the presentation of your qualifications, skills, experience and achievements, especially to employers and admission committees. Carefully selected and constructed, your portfolio is a concrete reflection of who you are, who you hope to become, and what you hope to achieve in your career and personal development.

A portfolio is a process as well as a product. As a process, it requires you to identify and reflect upon what motivates and satisfies you. You examine and present your interests, skills, values, needs, goals and strategies. Much of the power of your portfolio comes from this process. A career portfolio is also a product, a concrete collection which documents evidence of your work and learning history, your skills, interests, abilities, and feedback from others.

Your high school English teachers at WCHS have created the portfolio checklists below to help guide you through the process of developing your portfolios. The portfolios are assessed for a grade at the end of each semester.

9th Grade Portfolio Checklist

10th Grade Portfolio Checklist

11th Grade Portfolio Checklist

12th Grade Portfolio Checklist